How Transformation Happens, Part 3

We’ve all been there. The frustration we can feel as parents and adults when a child has behavior that feels unmanageable – and just isn’t changing. Over my 7 year journey of empowering young minds and founding Acton Academy Omaha, I’ve discovered that the transformation we desire to see around us often must first begin […]
How Transformation Happens, Part 2

I poured the medicine to 10 mL and set it on the counter, inviting our 7 year old son to take it. All he could do was cry. Tears turned to anger as he refused to take the medicine. “Swallow it fast? Take it with water? Read a book when we are done?” I tried all of the ideas I could think of and offered as much empathy as I could muster. Nothing was working.
How Transformation Happens, Part 1

After all, a child isn’t a thing to be nailed in place, sanded and shaped perfectly so as to create the vision I imagine. Playing the role of a carpenter in my children’s lives, however good my intentions were, didn’t work. It created such frustration in our relationship and in the midst of it all – I had lost connection with their hearts.