“There once were four brave families. These families wanted more for their young heroes-to-be. They wanted them to learn how to serve and how to lead. They wanted them to discover their passions and be known for their strengths. These four brave families stepped out on a journey together to create this special place called Acton Academy. Over time, word of this opportunity spread, and another family joined in. Then another… and another. Life in the studio wasn’t perfect by any means – yet it was real; with real opportunities for growth and learning. And the heroes were transforming…”

On that beautiful evening, as we stood beneath the balloon arch with all 10 of our Acton families, we remembered how our journey began. Like building a mosaic day-by-day with many small pieces; some large and some small, some rough and some smooth – each fits in to the beauty of the whole. What a beautiful journey this has been.
As each family was invited to cross the threshold and embrace their journey of growth along with the challenges sure to come, we celebrated their courage. For it’s not that a hero doesn’t make mistakes or isn’t afraid – instead, a hero chooses courage in the midst of fear and gets back up when they fall down. It’s these experiences that spark transformation. As the heroes saw green water transform into blue, they pondered the question, “How do you hope to transform this year at Acton?”
What an exciting journey ahead!