We’ve all been there. The frustration we can feel as parents and adults when a child has behavior that feels unmanageable – and just isn’t changing.
Over my 7 year journey of empowering young minds and founding Acton Academy Omaha, I’ve discovered that the transformation we desire to see around us often must first begin with our own transformation deep down inside.
In this three-part series, I’m excited to share three tools that have helped transform the way I engage with children. I hope my story and experience will empower you to create more peace and alignment in your family relationships too. After all, these tools go far beyond parenting advice – they are valuable for all relationships.

We’ve surrendered and slipped on our gardening gloves to cultivate instead of control.
We’ve taken up our hand trowel of curiosity and heartfelt presence to dig deeper into how the situation is occurring for our children, tenderly caring for them and connecting with them in vulnerability to show them they are loved in the middle of the discomfort.
Yet… how do we move forward?
Dictating the path of how to move forward will not work in the long run. We need a sense of ownership from the child for any long term change that will come from within.
Moving forward is something we do together.
How? We get curious. What new future do both people want to create together? We invite the child to share their ideas, and we share our hopes and dreams too. We keep sharing and listening until we find where we are united.
This united new future is the seed of something new we are planting together.
With soil that is tended, refreshed and fertilized, our seed of something new will grow. This seed will produce new actions and behaviors – because actions and behaviors naturally flow out of the vision of the future the child is owning to create for themselves.
So, the next time we see behavior that is just not going away…
Take a deep breath. Let’s remind ourselves it will all be ok. Then…
- Slip on our gardening gloves and remember our identity as a gardener…
- Gently dig deeper with our hand trowel to discover how the situation is occurring to our child – and show them they are cared for, even here…
- Plant seeds of something new that we co-create together with our child…
And wait in anticipation as our relationship with our child (and their behavior) begins to transform.
In our community at Acton Academy Omaha, we’ve seen the profound impact of this approach. Learners set personal goals, engage in meaningful projects, and reflect on their progress, all within a supportive framework that honors their individuality.
By planting and nurturing these seeds together, we cultivate a garden rich with diversity, resilience, and beauty. It’s a testament to what can flourish when we let go of control and embrace the journey of becoming alongside our children.
To experience this transformative approach firsthand, we warmly invite you to our next Open House at Acton Academy Omaha on Monday, February 24, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM. Join us to meet our vibrant community, explore our innovative learning environment, and discover how we can partner in nurturing your child’s unique path.
• 4:00-4:30 PM: Coffee and connections
• 4:30-5:00 PM: Program and Q&A
• 4:00-5:30 PM: Studio tours and meet our team
Address: 13271 Millard Ave, Omaha, NE 68137
Register for the Open House here: Register Here
We look forward to welcoming you and embarking on this journey of growth and discovery together.
Until next time,