I’m so excited…to be a HERO!!

I’m so excited…to be a HERO!!

“Can I tell you something?” little Nora asked with her eyes open wide and excitement she could barely keep in.

“Of course!” I said.

The words came spilling out – “I’m SO excited…TO BE A HERO!!!”

And off she went, finding another new friend to make.

What a perfect snippet of our time together last night for our first ever Acton Family Picnic! We were all together in the same space at the same time- what a precious gathering it was. Our 7 founding Heroes discovered that they are the FIRST EVER Acton Heroes in Omaha! With big eyes, jaws opened wide and lots of cheers, we shared what we are grateful for and ate a picnic together. After supper we played a rousing game of “Who Said That?” where we learned that 3 of our 7 Heroes’ favorite animal is a giraffe, and Thatcher’s favorite food is gnocchi (how do you say that again?!). So much laughter and joy. Then we pretended to be mice in search of our new home… our new Acton Studio! With much anticipation, the little mice scampered up the stairs at Thrive Space and explored the special place where they will soon embark on this special journey together. We ended our time with lots of bouncy balls, playing various games in the gym. So much fun! We can’t wait for our next gathering where each family will be invited in great ceremony to cross the threshold and begin their Hero’s Journey together!