There is room…to be.

We are creating a nurturing place where children can discover life; to be awakened to their passions and talents; to taste the joy found in empathy, love, and embracing of others different from themselves; and to appreciate the imperfect-yet-beautiful journey of growth each of us is on.

The beautiful thing about children is…they are naturally very empathetic and loving. They are quick to give second chances to disappointed studiomates and quick to believe the best in a difficult situation. What I’ve discovered on this journey – as the guide, I set the tone and influence their thinking with any labels I use. If I am focused on accountability and classifying a child’s actions as “right” or “wrong”, they begin to address each other in a similar manner, losing their grip on choosing love and their natural sense of believing the best. As a reflection, I see in a mirror, what a beautiful gift this is to me as a guide. A chance to self-correct. And so I do. As I look deeper in the difficult moment, I see the tender little seedling springing up – and I nurture it. Through my words and love, I invite that forth with great joy – and at the same time allow the room to be.

And guess what? The heroes joyfully follow me there.

Frustration turns to empathy. Anger melts into encouragement. They are quick to cheer on another fellow hero on their journey of fighting the same monsters they’ve all fought before.

And so, day by day, a culture of freedom, love, creativity and authentic growth is sprouting. There is room for children to be, to soak in love and slowly unfold to reveal a genuine self at peace. There is room for children to learn to lead. There is room for children to discover the joy encased in offering themselves in real help to others. There is room for children to discover their passions – and even more so – their authentic selves.

This journey is beautiful. I’m so grateful for our band of 7 heroes and their families as we trailblaze the path for many more to come.